Liberty Common School offers fulltime and halftime kindergarten options. Success in kindergarten requires parental buy-in and cooperation, which the school facilitates by determinedly and comprehensively communicating expectations (pre-enrollment documents are included downloadable content below).

Kindergarten teachers instill in their young scholars learning habits, and nurture their innate wonder and desire to learn about their surroundings.

Literacy is at the heart of the LCS curriculum, and kindergarten students are in the critical first stage of  primary literacy. Each kindergarten student reads out loud to parents (or other adults) from a structured sequence of phonic readers designed to build phonic-decoding skills. By the end of the year, LCS kindergartners read 130 of these reader-books, three times each. Nursery rhymes, Aesop’s fables, and fairy tales from around the world are read aloud to students, developing an early love and appreciation for moral literature.

The history and geography curriculum from the Core Knowledge Sequence furnish professional classroom instructors opportunities to earnestly begin character-education lessons about the school’s Foundation Stones. One example is teacher-led discussions about the character traits of the Mount Rushmore presidents. Teachers guide students toward understanding the meaning and merit of citizenship, perseverance, integrity, respect, and responsibility.

Throughout the year, LCS kindergarten students practice the skills of memorizing and public speaking. The school year culminates with a ceremonious poetry recital in which students recite a memorized poem from the Core Knowledge Curriculum in front of classmates and parents. The objective is to build the confidence and memoriz