The mission of the House System is to promote and support the goals of Liberty Common High School through an empowered, well-organized, and influential student body oriented toward democratic, informed, and virtuous leadership.  The structure of the LCHS House System must equitably foster as many outstanding student leaders as possible.  Student leadership at LCHS entails supporting the school’s educational mission, modeling academic excellence and strong moral character, and actively promoting cheerful student life through enjoyable, creative and wholesome recreational opportunities.

CLICK HERE for a presentation slides about the Liberty House System

House Leadership Induction; 2020-2021



School Captains—Seniors who have been elected by the student body to be executive leaders of the House System. They run House Leadership Club meetings, oversee the planning of lyceums and student-life events, and work with the treasurer to make budgetary decisions. School Captains collaborate directly with Administration on a variety of projects, and are ambassadors for the school when VIP guests or third parties tour campus, and present at the school’s Public Information Townhall events.

House Captains—Two upperclassmen elected by their housemates to lead, convene, and organize their House time, and represent their House at events and student-leadership meetings. House Captains plan and lead the all-school Lyceum for their own House’s Character Education Capstone. 

House Dean—A faculty member chosen to oversee the effective development of a House. Each House has two House Deans.

House Director—The faculty member who directs the day-to-day operations of the House System.

Each House is composed of approximately 70 9th-12th-grade students, and is named after the Latin translation of one of the school’s capstone virtues:

  • Domus Gratitudines (House of Gratitude)

  • Domus Fortitudinis (House of Fortitude)

  • Domus Justitiae (House of Justice)

  • Domus Prudentiae (House of Prudence)

  • Domus Temperantiae (House of Temperance)

House’s compete in spirited fashion every year for the Neenan Cup, totaling a matrix of points earned for achievements related to GPA, participation in service projects, character awards, and performance in the many events of Eagle Games.