The Core Knowledge Sequence encompasses more than just its curriculum. Liberty’s foundation stones—Respect, Responsibility, Cooperation, Self Control, Perseverance, Integrity, and Citizenship—define the kindergarten–6th-grade school culture, and are expected behavior for Liberty students. Character is developed through a coherent program of expectations, modeling, and study of historical and literary figures. Having a smaller student body means faculty and staff know Liberty students by name and help ensure student accountability.


Foundation Stones

Respect—Showing consideration for others and their property; listening to and following instructions of those in authority; honoring others; following the Golden Rule; being courteous and polite.  

Cooperation—Listening and paying attention to others, sharing and taking turns, doing a fair share of the work, acknowledging the contributions of others; serving others with patience and a positive attitude; working well with others.

Citizenship—Using the rights and privileges one has as a member of the community to make that community a better place; being socially responsible; obeying the laws and rules; doing one’s part for the common good; respecting authority; helping your community by volunteering service.

Integrity—Knowing the difference between right and wrong and having the courage to do what is right even when it is not easy to do so; living up to the highest ethical standard not compromising one’s value; building and guarding your reputation.

Perseverance—Sticking to a purpose and never giving up on what one has to do; being determined to improve; being committed to justice; not leaving things unfinished; striving for excellence.

Self Control—Being rational—acting out of reason, not anger; knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do; being in control of yourself, not letting others influence your decision as to what is right or wrong; being disciplined; having power over what you do.

Responsibility—Doing what we have said we will do; being accountable for our actions and consequences because we know right from wrong; being dependable and reliable; not making excuses or blaming others.