Academic Advisory Committee


Liberty Common School’s Academic Advisory Committee (AAC) assists the Board of Directors (BOD) in maintaining the original vision of Liberty Common School as set forth by the founders of the school and as stated in Article VI of the Liberty Common School Bylaws. No curricular changes will be made without review by the AAC. However, per Liberty Common School’s charter, the BOD has final responsibility for all curriculum decisions.



Members of the AAC will be annually appointed and removed by a vote of the BOD. Members will be individuals who have demonstrated understanding and support of the school’s philosophy and vision as determined by the Board of Directors.


  • Teachers—Teachers provide input into the recommendation for curriculum decisions and guidance on the implementation of any new or modified curriculum.

    • 2 representatives from the elementary school

    • 2 representatives from the middle/high school

  • Parents—Parents should offer content expertise in at least one content area and provide student/family life perspective on academic issues. The BOD should attempt to balance the content expertise of the AAC members such that all academic content areas are represented.

  • 5 or more representatives - founding parents if possible, else newer parents who have demonstrated support for the school’s philosophy and whose children have attended Liberty for multiple years.

  • Ex officio members—Additional parents and teachers who desire to provide input and work with the AAC on specific curriculum issues in accordance with their interests and expertise. The AAC will mentor these individuals as a means of developing future candidates for the AAC.

    • Number to be determined jointly by the AAC and BOD

Officer positions may be held by any representative on the AAC and will be approved annually by a vote of the AAC:

  • 1 Chairperson

  • 1 Secretary



The AAC will review and evaluate potential changes to the curriculum as directed by the BOD, and report back to the BOD with its evaluation results and recommendations.  This includes but is not limited to:

  • The addition or removal of any course or curriculum component

  • New textbooks and academic programs

The AAC may propose new curricula, curriculum components, textbooks, academic programs, policies, and policy changes to the BOD.

At the direction of the BOD, AAC members may mentor and assist teachers in the implementation of curriculum or curriculum changes.